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If you do good things for your community, if you have raised healthy, happy children, if your rich and give lots to charity, or found the perfect mate... tell us and all your friends at the virtual reunion.

Please keep in mind that anything posted on the Internet can be viewed by anyone. With that in mind, if you have secrets to keep, or do not wish to have your information displayed on the web page, please select the option to hide that information. For example you may only wish to list your email address and City/State. That would give your classmates a means to get in touch with you if they are traveling to your area in the near future. On the other hand, it will also give you the opportunity to not respond if your still upset about them cheating off of you on Mr. Young's Chemistry Final.

Even if you do not wish to have your contact information posted, please do not hesitate to provide this very important data. If you ask for it to be kept confidential, we promise it will only be used to keep track of everyone so you can be sure to be invited to the next class reunion. If you wish to change something on your profile Identify yourself and only make entries in the fields that need to be updated. All else will be left as-is.

Information may be subject to confirmation so it might take a day or two until what you submit is available on the web page. This web page is not responsible for exaggerated claims or verification of all information. The reunion committee reserves the right to modify or eliminate any content that is deemed to be inappropriate.

Select your name from this list:
If not listed, please enter name:
Password (Date of birth in format - MMDDCCYY): (required)
New Last name:
Street Address: Display this info?
No Yes
City & State (Munhall, PA): No Yes
Zip code: No Yes
Phone (Home): No Yes
Email: No Yes
Nickname: No Yes
Include Yearbook Picture on profile page: No Yes
Would you like to be notified by Email when
classmates add or modify their profiles?
No Yes

The rest of this information is optional only provide what you would like to have posted!
Phone (Work):
Email (Work):
Provide a general update:
How many childeren do you have? M/F - Age
What would surprise your classmates?
Describe your 15 minutes of fame?
What accomplishment are you proudest of?
Who do you miss most from High School?

If you would like a recent picture to be posted beside your yearbook picture send as a gif file attachment
Or mail photo to:
Bob Penzelik 3786 Wayne Rd. Munhall, PA 15120
Be sure to identify who the picture is from in either the email or a along with a mailed photo. Please include a self addressed stamped envelope if you would like the picture returned.